Top 5 Cheapest Planes to Buy and Fly: Your Guide to Affordable Aviation

Top 5 Cheapest Planes to Buy and Fly: Your Guide to Affordable Aviation

Zachary Franklin |

If you're looking to buy and fly a plane, you're likely interested in finding the cheapest options available. While purchasing an aircraft can be a significant investment, there are ways to minimize costs and make flying more affordable. In this article, we'll explore some of the cheapest planes to buy and fly, as well as tips for keeping costs down.

One option for those on a budget is to consider purchasing a used plane. While new planes can be expensive, used aircraft can often be found at a much lower price point. Additionally, older planes may have simpler technology and require less maintenance, which can further reduce costs. However, it's important to thoroughly inspect any used plane before purchasing to ensure it's in good condition and won't require costly repairs.

Another factor to consider when looking for a cheap plane to buy and fly is fuel efficiency. Some planes are more fuel-efficient than others, which can save you money in the long run. Additionally, choosing a plane with a smaller engine can also reduce fuel costs. Of course, it's important to balance fuel efficiency with other factors, such as the plane's range and payload capacity, to ensure it meets your needs.

Understanding Airplane Costs

When it comes to buying and flying an airplane, there are several costs to consider. Here are some of the main expenses you should be aware of:

1 - Purchase Price

The purchase price of an airplane can vary greatly depending on the type, age, and condition of the aircraft. Generally, smaller and older planes are less expensive than newer and larger ones. It's important to do your research and have a good understanding of the market before making a purchase.

2 - Maintenance Costs

Maintenance costs can be a significant expense for airplane owners. Regular inspections, repairs, and upgrades are necessary to keep the aircraft in good condition and ensure it's safe to fly. The cost of maintenance will depend on the type of plane and the amount of work needed.

3 - Fuel Costs

Fuel costs are another major expense for airplane owners. The amount of fuel used will depend on the type of plane, the distance flown, and the speed at which it's flown. It's important to budget for fuel costs and plan your flights accordingly.

4 - Insurance

Insurance is a necessary expense for airplane owners. The cost of insurance will depend on the type of plane, its value, and how often it's flown. It's important to shop around and compare policies to find the best coverage at the most affordable price.

5 - Storage and Parking

When the airplane is not in use, it will need to be stored somewhere. Storage and parking costs can vary depending on the location and the type of facility. It's important to consider these costs when budgeting for airplane ownership.

Top 5 Cheapest Planes to Buy

When it comes to buying a plane, the cost can be a significant factor. Here are some of the cheapest planes to buy and fly:

1 - Cessna 150

The Cessna 150 is a two-seater plane that is perfect for beginners. It is one of the cheapest planes to buy, and it is also fuel-efficient, making it economical to fly. The Cessna 150 has a range of up to 500 miles, and it has a maximum speed of 109 mph.

2 - Piper PA-28 Cherokee

The Piper PA-28 Cherokee is a four-seater plane that is popular among pilots. It is also one of the cheapest planes to buy, and it is relatively easy to maintain. The Piper PA-28 Cherokee has a range of up to 700 miles, and it has a maximum speed of 141 mph.

3 - Grumman American AA-1

The Grumman American AA-1 is a two-seater plane that is known for its excellent handling. It is also one of the cheapest planes to buy, and it is relatively fuel-efficient. The Grumman American AA-1 has a range of up to 500 miles, and it has a maximum speed of 125 mph.

4 - Beechcraft Skipper

The Beechcraft Skipper is a two-seater plane that is perfect for training. It is also one of the cheapest planes to buy, and it is relatively easy to maintain. The Beechcraft Skipper has a range of up to 500 miles, and it has a maximum speed of 112 mph.

5 - Taylorcraft BC-12D

The Taylorcraft BC-12D is a two-seater plane that is perfect for recreational flying. It is also one of the cheapest planes to buy, and it is relatively easy to maintain. The Taylorcraft BC-12D has a range of up to 400 miles, and it has a maximum speed of 88 mph.

Factors Affecting Airplane Prices

When it comes to buying an airplane, there are several factors that affect the price. Here are some of the most important ones:

1 - Age and Condition

The age and condition of the airplane are two of the most significant factors that affect its price. The older the airplane, the cheaper it tends to be. However, older airplanes may require more maintenance and repairs, which can add to the overall cost of ownership. Similarly, an airplane that is in poor condition will be less expensive than one that is in excellent condition.

2 - Type of Aircraft

Different types of aircraft have different price ranges. Smaller, single-engine planes tend to be less expensive than larger, multi-engine planes. Similarly, propeller planes are generally less expensive than jet planes. Additionally, some models of planes are more popular than others, which can affect their price.\

3 - Avionics and Equipment

The avionics and equipment installed on the airplane can also affect its price. Newer and more advanced avionics systems, such as GPS navigation and autopilot, can increase the price of the airplane. Similarly, airplanes with more equipment, such as air conditioning and entertainment systems, will be more expensive than those without.

4 - Maintenance and Repair History

The maintenance and repair history of the airplane can also affect its price. An airplane with a well-documented maintenance history and no major repairs may be more expensive than one with a history of frequent repairs and maintenance issues.

5 - Market Demand

Finally, market demand can also affect the price of airplanes. If there is a high demand for a particular type of airplane, its price may be higher than if there is low demand. Additionally, the location of the airplane can also affect its price, with airplanes located in areas with high demand being more expensive than those in areas with low demand.

Cost of Owning and Flying a Plane

Owning a plane can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be quite expensive. Before you purchase a plane, it is important to understand the costs associated with owning and flying it.

Purchase Price

The cost of a plane can vary widely depending on the type, age, and condition of the aircraft. A new single-engine plane can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $100,000 or more, while a used plane can range from $10,000 to $1 million or more.

Operating Costs

Once you own a plane, you will need to consider the ongoing operating costs. These can include fuel, maintenance, insurance, and storage fees:

  • Fuel costs will depend on the type of plane and how often you fly it, but can range from $20 to $100 per hour.
  • Maintenance costs can also vary widely depending on the age and condition of the plane, but can range from $1,000 to $10,000 or more per year.
  • Insurance costs will depend on the value of the plane and your flying experience, but can range from $1,000 to $5,000 or more per year.
  • Storage fees will depend on where you keep the plane and can range from $50 to $500 per month.

Other Costs

In addition to the purchase and operating costs, there are other costs associated with owning a plane. These can include pilot training, licensing, and certification fees. Pilot training can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000 or more, depending on the type of plane and the level of training you require. Licensing and certification fees can also vary widely depending on your location and the type of license or certification you need.

Tips to Buy Affordable Planes

If you're looking to buy an affordable plane, there are a few things you can do to make sure you get the best deal possible. Here are some tips to help you buy a plane that won't break the bank:

  • Do your research: Before you start looking for planes, make sure you know what you're looking for. Research different models and their prices to get an idea of what you can expect to pay.
  • Consider used planes: Used planes can be a great way to save money. They may not be as shiny and new as a brand-new plane, but they can be just as reliable and safe.
  • Look for deals: Keep an eye out for deals and discounts on planes. Some manufacturers may offer special promotions or financing options that can help you save money.
  • Get a pre-purchase inspection: Before you buy a plane, make sure you get it inspected by a qualified mechanic. This can help you avoid costly repairs down the road.
  • Consider co-ownership: If you don't plan on using your plane all the time, consider co-ownership with other pilots. This can help you split the cost of the plane and maintenance expenses.


In conclusion, purchasing and flying a plane can be a great way to enjoy the freedom of flying. However, it is important to carefully consider the costs and benefits before making a purchase.

If you are looking for the cheapest option, a used ultralight or light sport aircraft can be a good choice. These planes are relatively inexpensive to purchase and maintain, and they can be flown with a sport pilot license, which requires less training and certification than a traditional pilot's license.

Another option is to purchase a used single-engine piston aircraft. These planes are more expensive than ultralights and light sport aircraft, but they offer more speed, range, and versatility. However, they also require more training and certification to fly.

Regardless of the type of plane you choose, it is important to budget for ongoing maintenance, fuel, insurance, and other expenses. You should also consider the cost of hangar or tie-down fees, as well as any taxes and fees associated with owning and operating an aircraft.

Overall, purchasing and flying a plane can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to carefully weigh the costs and benefits before making a decision. With the right planning and preparation, you can enjoy the freedom of flying without breaking the bank.

Frequently Asked Questions

1 - What is the most affordable family airplane?

The most affordable family airplane will depend on your specific needs and budget. However, some of the most affordable options include the Cessna 172, Piper Cherokee, and Beechcraft Bonanza.

2 - What is the cheapest 4 seater plane?

The cheapest 4 seater plane is the Zenith CH 750 Cruzer. It is a kit plane that can be built for under $50,000.

3 - What is the cheapest single-engine plane?

The cheapest single-engine plane is the Aerolite 103. It is a light sport aircraft that can be purchased for under $15,000.

4 - How much does the cheapest personal plane cost?

The cheapest personal plane can cost as little as $5,000 for a used ultralight or up to $50,000 for a kit plane. However, keep in mind that maintenance and other expenses can add up quickly.

5 - What is the best first airplane for a new pilot?

The best first airplane for a new pilot will depend on your budget and flying goals. Some popular options include the Cessna 152, Piper Cherokee, and Cirrus SR22. It is important to choose a plane that is easy to handle and fits your specific needs.


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